Explore Israel

We invite you to enjoy unique experiences in Israel for the ICI 2021!

Tel Aviv, Jaffa & Caesarea

We drive north along the Mediterranean coast to Caesarea to visit the Crusader Fortress built upon the ancient city of Caesarea, named after Augustus Caesar, who imposed the tax that brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. Continue to visit Old Jaffa. Walk through the cobblestoned alleyways and visit the home of Simon the Tanner. Your route will take you along Tel Aviv’s Rothschild Boulevard, known for its large collection of historic buildings of the Bauhaus era (a UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site). Visit the Neveh Tzedek area. Conclude the day with a visit to Sarona – a newly renovated complex in the heart of Tel Aviv, originally a German Templar Colony, today the site houses boutique stores, artist galleries, quaint cafes, and some of the city’s hottest restaurants and bars.

Cost of tour per person: US$ 205

Jerusalem of Gold

Introduction to Jerusalem. Ascend the mountains from Scopus to Mt of Olives for a breathtaking view of the city across the Kidron Valley to the Eastern Gate; see Chapel of Ascension, Dominos Flevit, walk the Palm Sunday Road. Visit the Garden of Gethsemane. Drive to Mount Zion. Visit Caiphus House. Continue to the Upper Room and Tomb of King David. See the ancient Cardo Maximus and the reconstructed Jewish Quarter. Enter the Old City from Jaffa Gate. Walk through the oriental bazaars to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Continue along the Via Dolorosa, stopping at St. Anne’s Church and the Pools of Bethesda. Walk through the marketplace to the Western Wall and view the Temple Mount.

Special site visit during the day:

Option-1 Davidson Center and tour the archeological Garden and the Southern Steps excavation.

Option-2 Western Wall Tunnels, one of the most magnificent and significant remnants in Jerusalem from the days of the Second Temple, destroyed approximately 2,000 years ago.

Cost of tour per person: US$ 190

Sea of Galille & Nazareth

We begin the day at Nazareth where Jesus spent his boyhood. Visit the Church of the Annunciation and Mary’s Well. Continue to Nazareth Village, a reenacted village from the time of Jesus. Step into the Bible at Nazareth Village and experience life in the first century. Drive through the Jezreel Valley and Megiddo, identified as the site of Armageddon. Board the boat for a cruise on the Sea of Galilee. Enjoy traditional St. Peter Fish lunch. Continue to the Mount of Beatitudes, site of the Sermon on the Mount. We then proceed to visit Tabgha where 5,000 were fed by Jesus who performed the miracle of the multiplication of fish and loaves. Visit Capernaum where Jesus began his ministry.

Cost of tour per person: US$ 250

Jerusalem & Bethlehem

Visit of Bethlehem, birthplace of Jesus, including the Church of the Nativity, Manger Square and Shepherd’s Field. Conclude the tour with a visit to the Haas Promenade with its panoramic view of the city and the Kidronalley. This is where it is said that God showed Abraham where his descendants would one day build the Holy City. If time permits visit YadVashem– the Holocaust Museum in memory of the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis. Continue to Mount Zion. Visit Caiphus House. Continue to the Upper Room and Tomb of King David. Enter the Old City from Jaffa Gate. Walk through the oriental bazaars to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Continue along the Via Dolorosa, stopping at St. Anne’s Church and the Pools of Bethesda. Walk through the marketplace to the Western Wall and view the Temple Mount.

Cost of tour per person: US$ 190


Masada & The Dead Sea

Descend through the Judean wilderness to the Dead Sea, the lowest spot on earth, to the ancient caves of Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Drive to the fortress Masada, the last stronghold and stand of the zealots against Rome, on the edge of the barren Negev Desert. Ascend and descend the site by cable car.

Take a lunch break to relax at the beautiful shores and experience the amazing float in the dead sea’s water. (towel, shower, and beach entrance included). Shopping time: unique cosmetic products air enriched with Dead Sea minerals from international companies such as Ahava and others.

Cost of tour per person: US$ 240


Acre (Akko), Safed & Golan Heights

Drive to the Banias River Canyon for a hike along the new hanging path to the Banias waterfall, OR visit the Dan Nature Reserve with a biblical archaeological site and easy hiking routes.

Proceed to Safed famous for Jewish “Kabbalah”. The Kabbalist mystics lived, studied, taught, and wrote in the city. Walk through the picturesque ancient alleyways of the Jewish quarter with hidden niches and beautiful synagogues whose rich past is seen from the high ceilings, colorful decorations, and ancient Torah scrolls. Visit the small galleries in the artists’ quarter.

Drive to the Mediterranean coast to visit ancient Phoenician and Crusader seaport of Akko (designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site), with ancient walls and underground Knight’s chambers, the Templar Tunnel and the Hospitaller Castle.

Cost of tour per person: US$ 275