Archives: staffer

Ryan Nicola

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, UK

Rubimbura Vladimir

Interventional cardiologist at CHUV (Lausanne) and EHC (Morges), Switzerland

Rozen Guy

Cardiac Electrophysiologist, The Baruch Padeh Medical Center, Poriya, Israel

Roberts MacKenna

General Counsel, Life Sciences Litigation and Regulatory Lawyer, UK

Ribichini Flavio L.

Full Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Director of the Division of Cardiology Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona and Director of the School of Cardiology, University of Verona, Italy

Rahav Galia

Head of the Infectious Disease Unit and Laboratories at the Sheba Medical Center, Israel

Porter Avital

Head of Cardiology Step Down Unit & Women Cardiac Health Clinic, Rabin Medical Center, Israel

Pomfret David

Senior Director for Clinical Affairs at VDyne Inc., USA

Piazza Nicolo

Assistant Professor to the Cardiology Division and Attending at the MUHC, Canada

Parikh Sahil A.

Director of Endovascular Services and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons, USA